Edit Undo. EDIT UNDO!!!

I love that command. It has to be one of the best commands ever put on a computer. I use it and abuse it more than I care to say. And it has saved me from hours of work redoing things on more than one occasion.

However, sadly it cannot undo things I did the day before. I cannot sit down at my computer on a Sunday night, and pres Edit Undo to undelete the email I deleted on Saturday. Bummer.

It is a powerful function, just not that powerful. 🙁

Lately I have noticed my computer has been acting oddly, a little sluggish, and more specifically some programs do not work correctly. No I do not have a virus, yes I defrag, and CCClean it often, so thats not the issue. Not sure what the issue is, but I think I am going to need to wipe the drives and start fresh (before it crashes). So, on Friday I decided to do a backup of one drive. I got it all backed up, plus I backed up all client files incase anything happens.

On Saturday, I was looking at something in my email settings, not sure why or what, but I was looking around. I noticed a little check box saying something to the effect of delete messages more than 30 days old. Not sure why, but I thought it was a good thing. I do not need the messages in the trash more than 30 days old. It’s just trash.

Sunday night I am looking for an email with a username and password in it from awhile back. I cannot find it. Email dates back to July 23 only. Hmm, thats strange. I check another folder, and another and another. The folders that are not empty, only go back to July 23.

Where the hell is my email, why do I have empty folders, and why does everything start @ July 23?

July 23? Thats like a month ago. Why do I have nothing more than a month old … OH CRAP!!! edit Undo. EDIT UNDO! EDIT UNDO!!!!!!!!!

Damn, no such luck. At the flick of a switch I lost everything from more than a month ago. AND the drive I backed up on Friday, was NOT the drive I store email on. Technically all is not totally lost, I did a full email back up a few months ago, so at most I am only missing about 2 months worth of mail. Anything prior to 3 months ago I can reclaim from the archive if needed. But now there is about a 2 month gap where I do not have any email message.

Not a huge deal as it is a relatively short span. But annoying as I am very anal about email. I keep everything except spam. Oh well.

Lesson 1 learned. Back up often.

Lesson 2 learned. Don’t mess with the settings

In other news, I recently posted I have had some issues with my phone lines. Problem was, out of the 5 jacks I have, only 1 was working.

So, after a week+ MTS made it out to my place, and was told about the broken line April found outside the house. The plastic coating broke away in a spot, letting water in, and it rusted the line. Snap, it was gone and we lost our phone.

5 minutes later he spliced it back up, and we are ready to rock and roll again.

However, during this time I decided to get another phone for business. This way if I need it, it is there. Cell phone, so no lines. This will be the new phone for Creative Compulsions so the old number will no longer be used. Phone is not active yet, will not be until next week. When it is ready I will change the contact page and post the new number there, so check it out when you need to contact me.


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