Gotham Quest 2

If “The Amazing Race” and “The DaVinci Code” ever had a love-child, its name would be “GothamQuest”. GothamQuest is a one-of-a-kind, competitive elimination race around the island of Manhattan to a number of New York City landmarks. Throughout the day-long race, teams receive “clue cards”, which must be deciphered to reveal the identity of the City landmark represented by each clue. Teams must head to these landmarks, where they will be greeted by a race “sentry”, who will then provide the next clue card for the next landmark. As the race progresses, teams that fall behind the pack are eliminated from the competition and at the end of the race, only one pair will be crowned “ultimate champions”. Chances are, if you have reached this website, you might have seen at least one of the GothamQuest teams running right past you in a race.

Some time ago a person was referred to me by a client whose site I just completed. He was in need of having a Power Point presentation converted into a Flash intro for a web site. It needed to be exactly like the presentation with perfect timing to the background music.

The project went well, and once completed he decided I was the right person to develop the full web site.

Gotham Quest is a great looking event based in New York. Based on the name, and the design of the intro, I knew a dark and Gothic site would be needed. Using, Black, White, and Grey I built just such a site amongst a New York silhouette, with hints of Red and Blue to bring out the accents.

In the end, Gotham Quest has a suitably gothic theme web site. There is a Flash intro, and will soon have a forum and blog set up, along with team profiles and race information.

Check it out online at:

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